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Gordon Hoskinson en el vertedero

Below are numerous articles and letters documenting partnerships The Hoskinson Group had with companies all over the U.S., Canada, and Korea.

Gordon Hoskinson is a world-renowned expert and leading innovator in waste-to-energy (WtE) production through his proprietary gasification and combustion process that meets or exceeds applicable environmental standards today. The Hoskinson design is a Renewable Energy Solution that does not consume natural resources and uses only garbage and other waste to produce up to 10 MW of electricity per 150 to 175-ton-per-day installation.

Mr. Hoskinson holds numerous patents in the field and is known for inventing the Hoskinson Pyrolytic Gasification technology for use in waste disposal. Pyrolysis is the proven technology breaking down of matter into char, tars, oil, and hydrocarbon gas in the absence of oxygen. While Hoskinson's Pyrolitic portion of the process is oxygen-starved, it still maintains many of the benefits of complete pyrolysis.

In 1954, Gordon Hoskinson was building heat exchangers in New Hyde Park, New York, and had a lot of trash from the operation and large heat bills heating the plant. He built his first WtE unit called the "Shop Heater". The trash from the manufacturing operation was ample to heat the plant. As parts suppliers for his operation saw the results, they wanted him to build one for them.

He started the true modern revolution in WtE worldwide, where small, efficient combustion units became a reality overnight. Since 1958, Gordon has made and delivered waste combustion units of multiple sizes and for various uses. His older component designs have been copied by at least 100 companies worldwide and are still in use in many cases. He designed the controlled air and afterburner combination, which was later called "Pyrolytic Gasification" by the Engineering Society of the United States.

Fly ash and dirt were the bane of the old incinerator design that causing a bad reputation for New York apartment buildings. It became a national joke in the 60's. The Hoskinson design was a totally new design that eliminated this problem and gained immediate acceptance worldwide. A demonstration in London at the Quaglino Hotel in the 60's to the press corp of London led to more than 1000 machines being built by Middon Industries of Walterhampton, England the first year!

Throughout the next three decades, Gordon Hoskinson manufactured and sold thousands of units to many of the Fortune 500 Companies, the White House, other federal agencies, nearly all international airports, and most of the major medical centers in North America. After his experience in Korea, Barbados, and other countries in the '90s, a firm in Indiana retained him as a consultant to develop the next-generation medical waste modular combustor based on his decades-long proven experience and technology. Two years of intense research were completed, and from that research, major innovations have been added to our latest version of Hoskinson's successful design legacy.

Gordon Hoskinson was born in Missouri and was a World War II veteran. 

Here is a personal account from Gordon Hoskinson  >

History of Gordon Hoskinson 

Mr. Hoskinson is considered the world's foremost expert on modular pyrolysis and gasification for the last 50 years and is widely recognized as the most important inventor in this entire industry.


The U.S. EPA recognized his work in the late 1950s and referred to him in the late 1970s as the "..Father of the controlled air smokeless process based on the principals of after-burning."

Mr. Hoskinson is and always has been "hands-on" in all stages of development of each generation of his machines and has started several companies in this field, including the current business located in Florida.

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